friz$30131$ - translation to ολλανδικά
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friz$30131$ - translation to ολλανδικά

Friz (disambiguation)
  • Friz coat of arms, family crest

v. kroezend maken


·noun That which is frizzed; anything crisped or curled, as a wig; a frizzle.
II. Friz ·vt To form into little burs, prominences, knobs, or tufts, as the nap of cloth.
III. Friz ·vt To soften and make of even thickness by rubbing, as with pumice stone or a blunt instrument.
IV. Friz ·vt To curl or form into small curls, as hair, with a crisping pin; to Crisp.



The surname Friz derives from Fritz, diminutive of the German name Friederich (Frederick), originating from the Old Germanic Frithurik, composed of the prefix frithu ("peace", "friendship": Friede, in German) and the suffix rikia ("lord", "prince"), meaning "Lord of Peace", "The One who assures peace".

The surname is diffused in the Adige Valley in northern Italy. It's a German surname which established originally in the Region of Trentino on the comune di Garniga (town of Garniga)."

"Der Alte Fritz" refers specifically to Frederick the Great.